Hinged Joint Strainers
Hinged Joint Strainers
Hinged Joint Strainers
Hinged Joint Strainers
Hinged Joint Strainers
Hinged Joint Strainers
Hinged Joint Strainers
Hinged Joint Strainers
Hinged Joint Strainers
Hinged Joint Strainers

Hinged Joint Strainers

Supplied on Order

Walters Fencing Hinged-Joint Strainer is ideal for professional use. It is designed to tension long runs of hinged-joint fence without slipping on the line wires. Strains of up to a kilometre in a clean straight run are no problem, if bends or rough ground is involved you can “leapfrog” up the fence straining at corners or obstacles. Designed to overcome the slippage inherent in many commercially available straining products, our system utilises individual clamping jaws for each line wire. The maximum capacity of the strainer is any hinged joint up 900mm high, with up to eight line wires (Example 8.90.15). If you have less height or line wires, centre the wire into the middle of the strainer and leave un-needed clamping jaws at the edges.


Two strainers can be bolted to a piece of RHS for straining exclusion fence, or contact us for a quote on a custom height version of the strainer. 

Shipping weight 9.5kg